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Walter - a look from behind

Člen fotoklubu

avatar Walter
Název: a look from behind
Popis: This autumn birds keep on flying around my house. In a nearby area with rubble stone this beatifull bird was resting and gave me some opportunities.
Vloženo: 2013-07-20 20:00:00
Zobrazení: 1641
Komentáře: 5


Rychlost závěrky:
Kategorie: Ostatní
avatar filipek (2012-09-28 20:21:28)
thumb upthumb up
avatar UBaipps (2012-09-28 06:29:22)
Great Walter ! thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Mudr.Jan Přibyl (2012-09-27 17:56:07)
good thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Václav Vašíček ( G.B. ) (2012-09-27 11:22:55)
thumb upthumb upthumb up velice hezké
avatar jonggolde (2012-09-27 10:44:41)
Prachtig. Beautiful colors, good composition and a very nice DOF. thumb upthumb upthumb up