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George Leontaras [Greece] - Hide and Seek

Člen fotoklubu

avatar George Leontaras [Greece]
Název: Hide and Seek
Popis: Volos - Greece - GLart © 2013
Vloženo: 2013-07-20 20:00:00
Zobrazení: 2007
Komentáře: 6


Rychlost závěrky:
Kategorie: Ostatní
avatar filipek (2013-04-04 22:34:01)
thumb upthumb up
avatar George Leontaras [Greece] (2013-04-04 08:36:29)
Thanks to all !! My dear jonggolde this is real daisies, worked out with fractal effects and deliberately let it appear hazy the background to make contrast to appear parallel lines, to have the sense of each flower hidden one behind the other.
avatar jonggolde (2013-04-03 15:51:40)
I don't like this. No sharpness or clear DOF and the white is over exposed. Are this real flowers or are they from paper?
avatar George Leontaras [Greece] (2013-04-03 07:53:45)
Many thanks my friends to have all a nice spring !!!!
avatar UBaipps (2013-04-02 19:26:53)
thumb upthumb up
avatar Ladislav Čepelák (2013-04-02 17:50:23)
Hi George, good thumb upthumb upthumb up