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George Leontaras [Greece] - My marble

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avatar George Leontaras [Greece]
Název: My marble
Popis: Nea Ionia in Volos of Greece - GLart © 2009 Small child i have my marbles... multicoloured, beautiful, big and small... I tried to win in the game in order to gather more big and small, curious marbles... Feel the joy not for the victory but for the beauty, this incredible, amazing, gorgeus, fabulus, crystal, glass beauty with the curiously multicoloured drawings in her embrace... and when I found the better of my marbles... I named him "Mother" or "King" of my marbles...My marble...!!!!
Vloženo: 2013-07-20 20:00:00
Zobrazení: 1829
Komentáře: 3


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