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Guest-Host - Krzysztof Browko

Člen fotoklubu

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Název: Krzysztof Browko
Popis: polský fotograf
Vloženo: 2014-10-10 07:11:16
Zobrazení: 1720
Komentáře: 9


Rychlost závěrky:
Kategorie: Krajina
avatar Petr Kačmář (2014-10-31 12:39:51)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Dave Kennard (2014-10-12 22:33:46)
I love the texture of the fields, and the contrast between the two, topped off with the tree at the peak and misty hills in the background, just an awesome photo.
avatar StefiKá (2014-10-12 11:44:24)
thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar filipek-barevné (2014-10-11 17:02:23)
krásathumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Petr Pelc (2014-10-11 09:28:10)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Uhler (2014-10-11 08:07:54)
Superb!thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Gustav Meier (2014-10-10 21:11:57)
thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Ladislav Čepelák (2014-10-10 07:24:21)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Mudr.Jan Přibyl (2014-10-10 07:23:09)
thumb upthumb upthumb up