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Dušan Macko - Kristus medzi nami

Photoclub member

avatar Dušan Macko
Name: Kristus medzi nami
Description: The Christ among us
Inserted: 2017-04-24 07:49:52
Number of views: 1457
Comments: 5


Camera: OMD EM5 Mark II
Lense: 12-40mm Zuiko PRO
Shutter speed:
Category: Black and white
avatar filipek-barevné (2017-04-30 14:06:07)
velmi zajímavý pohled thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar jonggolde (2017-04-30 11:25:11)
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avatar Chris Hamilton (2017-04-27 07:40:10)
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avatar Petr Pelc (2017-04-26 08:26:11)
thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Mudr.Jan Přibyl (2017-04-25 06:56:41)
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