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Eva Bělohlávková - from Italy

Photoclub member

avatar Eva Bělohlávková
Name: from Italy
Inserted: 2013-08-18 18:56:56
Number of views: 2184
Comments: 6


Camera: Nikon D5100
Lense: 18-55 mm
Shutter speed:
Category: Makro
avatar Monika Davidová (2013-08-26 16:58:03)
pěkné thumb upthumb up
avatar jonggolde (2013-08-20 08:57:17)
The butterfly misses sharpness and the white is just a little overexposed. You could temper the highlights.I like the colors and the DOF.
avatar Gustav Meier (2013-08-19 15:42:16)
pěkná barevněthumb up
avatar Václav Vašíček ( G.B. ) (2013-08-19 07:53:32)
thumb up
avatar Ladislav Čepelák (2013-08-18 20:28:42)
thumb upthumb up užívej volna
avatar Administrator (2013-08-18 19:58:11)
thumb up