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filipek - z Prahy

Photoclub member

avatar filipek
Name: z Prahy
Description: ...první pokusy:-)
Inserted: 2015-01-26 19:28:23
Number of views: 1661
Comments: 10


Camera: Canon EOS 40D
Shutter speed:
Category: Street foto
avatar Chris Hamilton (2015-02-04 15:45:01)
thumb upthumb upthumb upExcellent focus and expression.
avatar filipek (2015-01-28 20:22:56)
děkuji všem:-)
avatar StefiKá (2015-01-28 20:12:15)
nech sa darí :) thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Arci (2015-01-28 00:33:59)
thumb upthumb upthumb upAhoj
avatar thomas (2015-01-27 18:38:45)
thumb upthumb up
avatar jonggolde (2015-01-27 11:57:21)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Petr Pelc (2015-01-27 05:56:00)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Ladislav Čepelák (2015-01-26 21:10:03)
thumb upthumb upthumb up ať se daří
avatar Mudr.Jan Přibyl (2015-01-26 21:08:19)
thumb upthumb upthumb up je to dobrý
avatar Václav Vašíček ( G.B. ) (2015-01-26 19:28:52)
thumb upthumb upthumb up hezké