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Ladislav Čepelák - Na chvilku se zastavit

Photoclub member

avatar Ladislav Čepelák
Name: Na chvilku se zastavit
Inserted: 2014-12-17 18:53:17
Number of views: 1560
Comments: 7


Camera: Canon
Shutter speed:
Category: Street foto
avatar Marcela Szabo (2014-12-23 22:53:50)
thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up super!!!
avatar filipek-barevné (2014-12-19 18:15:56)
naprosto dokonaláthumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Václav Vašíček ( G.B. ) (2014-12-19 12:25:35)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Petr Pelc (2014-12-18 05:20:59)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Arci (2014-12-18 02:27:16)
thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up Super
avatar Ivana Lhotecká (2014-12-17 21:30:12)
Václavák, dobrý
avatar Mudr.Jan Přibyl (2014-12-17 20:01:54)
thumb upthumb upthumb up