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Martin Vykydal - Old fly

Photoclub member

avatar Martin Vykydal
Name: Old fly
Description: Makro mouchy
Inserted: 2014-12-17 20:16:13
Number of views: 1539
Comments: 7


Camera: Canon 7D Mark I
Lense: Sigma 150mm f/2,8 EX DG OS HSM
Shutter speed: 1/250
Diaphragm: 18
ISO: 320
Category: Makro
avatar Ben van Aken (2014-12-21 12:30:08)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Dave Kennard (2014-12-20 00:23:14)
Great shot, love the sharpness on the fly's face. Given the camera settings I'm guessing you used flash - I think you did a very nice job at achieving natural looking lighting, especially with the background.
avatar filipek-barevné (2014-12-19 18:15:16)
také vítám:-)thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Václav Vašíček ( G.B. ) (2014-12-19 12:24:25)
thumb upthumb upthumb up a taky vítám
avatar Mudr.Jan Přibyl (2014-12-18 05:26:46)
Vítám ve fotoklubu
avatar Ivana Lhotecká (2014-12-17 21:29:37)
Vítám mezi námi
avatar Administrator (2014-12-17 20:17:14)
Zdravím a Vítám mezi námi na webu