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Peter Netopier - Festival Comics - Lucca 2014

Photoclub member

avatar Peter Netopier
Name: Festival Comics - Lucca 2014
Description: skusobne ritratti
Inserted: 2014-11-07 05:59:01
Number of views: 1557
Comments: 10


Camera: D5100
Lense: 50mmf1.8 G
Shutter speed: 1/100
Diaphragm: 3.2
ISO: 100
Category: Portrét
avatar ivetanatalie (2014-11-13 18:28:55)
thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Marcela Szabo (2014-11-10 20:07:23)
thumb upthumb upthumb upthumb up jo i v barve se mi libi
avatar Marek Petrovič (2014-11-08 18:39:24)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar jonggolde (2014-11-08 17:51:30)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Peter Netopier (2014-11-08 10:35:05)
vdaka vsetkym... prijemny weekend ciao peter
avatar Petr Pelc (2014-11-08 08:35:29)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar filipek-barevné (2014-11-07 21:07:00)
líbíthumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Ladislav Čepelák (2014-11-07 06:47:26)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Mudr.Jan Přibyl (2014-11-07 06:46:25)
thumb upthumb upthumb up
avatar Peter Netopier (2014-11-07 06:00:36)
vdaka za nahliadnutie, pekny den... ciao peter rad si "vypocujem" critiku a rady, vdaka... to ze pozadie by malo byt jednotvarne asi viem no nie vzdy sa to da... ciao peter